
2020年09月-2024年02月,Dongguk University,应用物理,博士
韩伟伟,男,博士,特任教授,硕士生导师。以第一作者/通讯作者发表论文11篇,其中SCI论文9篇(Top论文7篇),EI论文2篇,高被引论文2篇,总被引786次,谷歌H-index 17。荣获国家优秀自费留学生奖学金、安徽省优秀硕士学位论文、2020年中国国际互联网+大学生创新创业大赛铜奖。担任国际SCI期刊学术编辑(International Journal of Energy Research, IF:4.6, Q1),以及Energy Storage Mater.; Chem. Eng. J.; J. Energy Chem.; Appl. Phys. Lett.等20余期刊审稿人。
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6996-0884
[1] Chu, H.; Qi, J.; Feng, S.; Dong, W.; Hong, R.; Qiu, B.; Han, W*. Soot formation in high-pressure combustion: Status and challenges. Fuel 2023, 345, 128236. (IF: 7.4,Top期刊,高被引论文)
[2] Han, W.; Lee, H.; Liu, Y.; Kim, Y.; Chu, H.; Liu, G.; Yang, W. Toward highly reversible aqueous zinc-ion batteries: nanoscale-regulated zinc nucleation via graphene quantum dots functionalized with multiple functional groups. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 452, 139090. (IF: 15.1,Top期刊)
[3] Han, W.; Xiong, L.; Wang, M.; Seo, W.; Liu, Y.; Taj Ud Din, S.; Yang, W.; Liu, G. Interface engineering via in-situ electrochemical induced ZnSe for a stabilized zinc metal anode. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 442, 136247. (IF: 15.1,Top期刊)
[4] Han, W.; Liu, G.; Seo, W.; Lee, H.; Chu, H. Q.; Yang, W. Nitrogen-doped chain-like carbon nanospheres with tunable interlayer distance for superior pseudocapacitance-dominated zinc- and potassium-ion storage. Carbon 2021, 184, 534–543. (IF: 10.9,Top期刊)
[5] Han, W.; Chen, D.; Li, Q.; Liu, W. L.; Chu, H. Q.; Rui, X. H. Ultrafast flame growth of carbon nanotubes for high-rate sodium storage. J. Power Sources 2019, 439, 227072. (IF: 9.2,Top期刊)
[6] Han, W.; Zhou, Y.; Zhu, T.; Chu, H. Q. Combustion synthesis of defect-rich carbon nanotubes as anodes for sodium-ion batteries. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2020, 520, 146317. (IF: 6.7,Top期刊)
[7] Han, W.; Ardhi, R. E. A.; Liu, G. Dual impact of superior SEI and separator wettability to inhibit lithium dendrite growth. Rare Metals 2021, 41, 353–355. (IF: 8.8,Top期刊)
[8] Han, W.; Ya, Y. C.; Chu, H. Q.; Cao, W. J.; Yan, Y.; Chen, L. F. Morphological evolution of soot emissions from a laminar co-flow methane diffusion flame with varying oxygen concentrations. J. Energy Inst. 2020, 93, 224–234. (IF: 5.7,二区)
[9] Han, W.; Chu, H.; Ya, Y.; Dong, S.; Zhang, C. Effect of fuel structure on synthesis of carbon nanotubes in diffusion flames. Fuller. Nanotub. Car. N. 2019, 27, 265–272. (IF: 2.3,四区)
[10] Chu, H.; Han, W.; Cao, W. J.; Gu, M. Y.; Xu, G. J. Effect of methane addition to ethylene on the morphology and size distribution of soot in a laminar co-flow diffusion flame. Energy 2019, 166, 392–400. (IF: 9.0,Top期刊,高被引论文)
[1] 楚化强, 韩伟伟, 张超, 任飞, 相龙凯, 蒋瀚涛, 颜岩. 一种用于研究碳纳米管生长的实验装置及方法[P]. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2018 1 0971095.X.(授权: 2020-02-21)
[2] 楚化强, 韩伟伟, 汪鹏, 任飞, 曹文健, 相龙凯. 一种碳氢燃料层流火焰中碳烟采集系统[P]. 实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL201820832685.X.(授权)
[3] 楚化强, 董世林, 韩伟伟, 牙宇晨. 一种火焰法大规模连续合成碳纳米管的装置及合成方法[P]. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2020 1 0551572.4.(授权: 2022-09-20)
[4] 楚化强, 相龙凯, 孟顺, 任飞, 韩伟伟. 一种燃烧锥形火焰本生灯及火焰传播速度测量方法[P]. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2018 1 0547795.6.(授权: 2023-11-14)
担任International Journal of Energy Research学术编辑,以及Energy Storage Mater.; Chem. Eng. J.; J. Energy Chem.; Appl. Phys. Lett.; Electrochim. Acta; Nanotechnology; Energy Fuels; Combust. Sci. Technol.; J. Energy Storage; Int. J. Hydrogen Energy; Int. J. Energy Res.; 2D Mater.; Heliyon等20余期刊审稿人。