
陈潜,硕士生导师,中共党员,2021年博士毕业于中国石油大学(北京)油气储运工程系,博士期间获国家公派留学资格赴加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)留学一年。作为科研骨干参与国家自然基金、国家重点研发计划、中石化、中石油及国家管网企业课题等多项科研项目。
学术与社会兼职: 担任《Petroleum Science》青年编委;担任《Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering》杂志审稿人。
1. 天然气管道放空仿真模型及算法研究,长江大学科研发展基金,2023.1-2025.12,主持
2. 超临界CO2管道瞬态输送工艺技术研究,企业项目,2023.1-2023.12,参加
3. 复杂供气管网大时滞非线性仿真模型构建与智能调控,国家自然基金面上项目,2022.1-2025.12,参加
4. 危险化学品管道泄漏量精确监测与定位技术及系统,国家重点研发计划,2017.1-2019.12,参加
5. 天然气管道放空时间计算方法与仿真模型研究,企业项目,2018.12-2020.12
[1] Qian Chen, Lili Zuo, Changchun Wu, et. al. Short-term supply reliability assessment of a gas pipeline system under demand variations. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2020, IF= 6.188.
[2] Qian Chen, Lili Zuo, Changchun Wu, et. al. Supply reliability assessment of gas pipeline networks under stochastic demand. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021, IF= 6.188.
[3] Qian Chen, Lili Zuo, Changchun Wu, et. al. Optimization of compressor standby schemes for gas transmission pipeline systems based on gas delivery reliability. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022, IF= 6.188.
[4] Qian Chen, Xiaokai Xing, Can Jin, et. al. A novel method for transient leakage flow rate calculation of gas transmission pipelines. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, IF= 4.965.
[5] Qian Chen, Lili Zuo, Changchun Wu, et. al. Supply adequacy assessment of the gas pipeline system based on the Latin hypercube sampling method under random demand. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2019, IF= 4.965.
[6] Qian Chen, Changchun Wu, Lili Zuo, et. al. Multi-objective peak shaving optimization of a gas pipeline system under stochastic demand. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2021, IF= 3.845.
[7] Qian Chen, Changchun Wu, Yaran Bu, et. al. Delivery Reliability Assessment of Gas Pipeline Under Stochastic Demand Variations[C] // RESEL 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference. European Safety and Reliability Association, 2019, Hannover,Germany (Oral Presentation). (EI检索)
[8] 陈潜,邢晓凯,王炜硕.基于特征线法的输气管道泄漏瞬态仿真与分析[J].科学技术与工程,2017,17(30):217-222. (北大中文核心)
[9] 黄燕菲, 吴长春, 陈潜, 等. 基于不确定性用气量的输气管网供气可靠度计算方法 [J]. 天然气工业, 2018, 38(8): 126-133. (EI检索)
[10] 步亚冉, 吴长春, 左丽丽, 陈潜, 等. 公平开放模式下的天然气管网输气能力评估[J]. 天然气工业,2021,41(12):129-137. (EI检索)
[11] 宋晨辉, 肖峻, 陈潜, 屈玉清, 秋泽楷, 李航. 天然气管网系统的输气能力曲线[J]. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2022,46(02):160-167. (EI检索)
[12] Yanran Bu, Changchun Wu, Lili Zuo, Qian Chen. An Analytical Method to Assess the Reliability of Gas Transmission Service in a Firm or Interruptible Contract [C]// PSIG 2020 Annual Meeting. Pipeline Simulation Interest Group. (EI检索)
[13] Li-Li Zuo, An-Tai Jin, Qian Chen, Qin-Long Dong, Yuan-Xin Li, Si-Rui Zhao. Simulation on venting process and valve opening control method for gas trunk pipelines, Petroleum Science,2022.
[14] Yaran Bu, Changchun Wu, Lili Zuo, Qian Chen, The calculation and optimal allocation of transmission capacity in natural gas networks with MINLP models, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023